Chapter 1: Infrastructure assessment for peer health navigation programs

In this chapter, we identify the necessary components of an infrastructure assessment. Infrastructure assessments should assess the capacity of the peer health navigation program host agency to support a peer health navigation program, and the capacity of the agency to work within a GIPA/MEPA framework.

Chapter 1: Infrastructure assessment for peer health navigation programs (PDF)

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Programming resources and tools

The following resources can be used to help assess whether your organization has the capacity to host and support a peer health navigation program and work within a GIPA/MEPA framework. Where a resource addresses a specific recommendation from the chapter, the recommendation number is provided.

Overall agency infrastructure assessment

Practice guidelines in peer health navigation for people living with HIV: Policy development checklist


Organizations can use this checklist of policy recommendations from the Practice guidelines in peer health navigation for people living with HIV to assess if they have the policies in place to best support a peer health navigation program. (supports recommendation 1)

Chapter 2: Organizational readiness from Building blocks to peer program success: A toolkit for developing HIV peer programs

Peer Education and Training Sites/Resource and Evaluation Center (PETS/REC) Initiative

This chapter outlines three areas for an organization to consider before embarking on a peer program: program conceptualization, information gathering to assess organization strengths and capacity, and program workplan development. A separate accompanying document contains tools for organizational readiness assessment. (supports recommendation 1)

Assess and plan the program (page 26-27) and Assess diversity, cultural competency, and inclusion (page 32-33) from Dimensions: Peer support program toolkit

University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, School of Medicine, Behavioral Health and Wellness Program

This toolkit addresses peer support among clients in recovery from addictions or other issues. Among other tools, it provides resources to help an organization assess their readiness to host a peer program, including a readiness checklist to assess their needs and a self-assessment form to explore their staff’s cultural competency. (supports recommendation 1)

GIPA/MEPA assessment

Self-assessment checklist: Meaningful involvement of PLHIV and affected communities (MIPA)

Global Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS | Asia Pacific Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS

This self-assessment checklist helps organizations consider the degree to which they are advocating for and fostering the meaningful participation of people with HIV in their work and community. (supports recommendation 2)

Living and serving 3: GIPA engagement guide and framework for Ontario ASOs

Ontario AIDS Network

With a focus on AIDS service organizations, this document reviews the development of GIPA/MEPA and provides strategies for integrating and monitoring GIPA/MEPA principles within an organization’s work. (supports recommendation 2)