Chapter 9: Integrating peer health navigators into a host agency

In this chapter, we explore how to integrate peer health navigators into a host agency through training and orientation of agency staff.

Chapter 9: Integrating peer health navigators into a host agency (PDF)

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Programming resources and tools

The following resources can be used to support the integration of peer health navigators into the program’s host agency. Where a resource addresses a specific recommendation from the chapter, the recommendation number is provided.


Peer framework for health-focused peer positions in the Downtown Eastside

Vancouver Coastal Health

This guide provides a framework for five levels of peer engagement within an integrated community health service delivery model. While it is intended to inform work within the Downtown Eastside in Vancouver, it can also be useful for others exploring how to position peers within an organization.

Obtain buy-in (pages 30-31) from Dimensions: Peer support program toolkit

University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, School of Medicine, Behavioral Health and Wellness Program

This toolkit addresses peer support among clients in recovery from addictions or other issues. Among other tools, it provides a short exercise to help program planners develop a brief message that will convey the importance of a peer program to others in their organization.

Staff orientation

Peer positive toolbook


This toolbook helps organizations reflect upon the role of peers within their organization and helps them consider what may be needed to ensure peers are treated equitably and their lived experience is valued. (supports recommendation 4)

Supervisor training

Chapter 6: Supervising peers from Building blocks to peer program success: A toolkit for developing HIV peer programs

Peer Education and Training Sites/Resource and Evaluation Center (PETS/REC) Initiative

This chapter reviews different forms of supervision and how supervision can be best delivered to support peers. A separate accompanying document contains tools for supervising peers, including a list of topics to cover during administrative supervision with peers (pages 6-8) and a guide for group supervision with peers (page 9). (supports recommendation 5)