Chapter 2: Peer health navigator roles and responsibilities

In this chapter, we identify core peer health navigator roles and responsibilities, as well as the responsibilities of the agency in developing a clear peer navigator scope of practice that is based on the needs of the clients.

Chapter 2: Peer health navigator roles and responsibilities (PDF)

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Programming resources and tools

The following resources can be used to help define the roles and responsibilities of peer health navigators at your organization. Where a resource addresses a specific recommendation from the chapter, the recommendation number is provided.

For additional resources related to peer roles and responsibilities, see the peer training resources for Chapter 7: Program management – training for peer health navigators.


Peer leaders program: Terms of reference

Toronto People With AIDS Foundation

The terms of reference for this peer leaders program include a statement of peer leader identity and values, peer selection criteria and areas of peer accountability, responsibility and commitment.

Role development: Needs assessment

Chapter 3: Assessing community needs and resources from The community tool box

Center for Community Health, University of Kansas

An online resource that outlines the process and potential information-gathering components of an assessment of community needs and available resources. (supports recommendation 1)

Role development: Job description

Peer mentor position description

Peer-to-Peer Program, Population & Public Health Services - Regina, Saskatchewan Health Authority

This is the peer job description for the Peer-to-Peer Program in which peer mentors play a supportive role to link and engage, re-engage and maintain clients in care. (supports recommendation 2)

Peer navigator

Peer Navigation Services, Positive Living Society of British Columbia

This is a job posting for the full-time peer navigator position at the Positive Living Society of British Columbia’s peer navigation services program. (supports recommendation 2)

Part time peer navigator job description

Peer Navigation Services, Positive Living Society of British Columbia

This is a job description for the part-time peer navigator position at the Positive Living Society of British Columbia’s peer navigation services program. (supports recommendation 2)

Indigenous peer navigator

Peer Navigation Services, Positive Living Society of British Columbia

This is a job description for the part-time indigenous peer navigator position at the Positive Living Society of British Columbia’s peer navigation services program. (supports recommendation 2)

PWA’s Circle of Care Peer Support Program: Peer job description

Toronto People with AIDS Foundation

This job description outlines the skills and experience needed for a peer in the Toronto People with AIDS Foundation Peer Support Program, as well as some of the roles and responsibilities they may be asked to undertake. (supports recommendation 2)

Roles: Intake and assessment

Peer assessment form/peer intake form

Peer-to-Peer Program, Population & Public Health Services - Regina, Saskatchewan Health Authority

This two-page referral form for clients interested in having a peer mentor from the Peer-to-Peer Program includes questions to assess a client’s needs. (supports recommendation 3)

Goal setting

Peer-to-Peer Program, Population & Public Health Services - Regina, Saskatchewan Health Authority

This form is completed by a peer and client together to help determine client-driven goals, the barriers and challenges to achieving goals, and strategies for meeting goals. A sample of a completed form is also provided that can be used an example. (supports recommendation 3)

Intake assessment form (pages 38-41) and Action plan form (pages 42-43) from Peer navigation for key populations: Implementation guide

FHI 360

This HIV peer health navigation guide directed at programs supported by FHI 360 contains an intake assessment form and action plan form that can be used to support client intake and goal assessment. (supports recommendation 3)

Responsibilities: Documentation

Peer program contact form

Peer-to-Peer Program, Population & Public Health Services - Regina, Saskatchewan Health Authority

This form is used by peers to document contact and interactions with a client in the Peer-to-Peer Program. (supports recommendation 16)

Clinical case consultation

Peer-to-Peer Program, Population & Public Health Services - Regina, Saskatchewan Health Authority

This form is completed by a peer together with their supervisor to review a client’s history, the plan to support them, the challenges a peer may experience when providing support, and changes to the support plan to address these challenges. (supports recommendation 16)

PWA’s Circle of Care Peer Support Program: Client session feedback form – peer feedback

Toronto People with AIDS Foundation

This form allows a peer to provide feedback on a session with a client including challenges, referrals made and recommendations. (supports recommendation 16)

Section 4: Client confidentiality and record-keeping from HIV disclosure and the law: A resource kit for service providers

Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network

This online guide to HIV disclosure and the law in Canada includes information on situations when service providers may be obligated to share client information and how this can impact documentation of client information. (supports recommendation 16)