Chapter 7: Program management – training for peer health navigators

In this chapter, we identify the responsibilities of the host agency related to peer health navigator training, which are specifically related to: training methods and training content.

Chapter 7: Program management – training for peer health navigators (PDF)

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Programming resources and tools

The following resources can be used to support host agency responsibilities related to peer health navigator training. Where a resource addresses a specific recommendation from the chapter, the recommendation number is provided.

Training content: General

Training syllabus for peer navigation training

Peer Navigation Services, Positive Living Society of British Columbia

This resource outlines the topics covered in the core training and ongoing trainings in the peer navigation services program of the Positive Living Society of British Columbia.

Training peer mentors: Facilitation guide

Canadian Mental Health Association Kelowna & District Branch

This training facilitation guide is part of a toolkit to support community-based organizations delivering peer-based emotional and social support to people living with HIV and/or hepatitis C. The facilitation guide provides lessons and activities for peer training and covers topics such as communication skills, goal setting and relationship building, boundaries, and HIV and hepatitis C basics. A complementary participant training guide is also available.

Chapter 5: Recruiting, hiring and orienting peers from Building blocks to peer program success: A toolkit for developing HIV peer programs

Peer Education and Training Sites/Resource and Evaluation Center (PETS/REC) Initiative

This chapter includes practical considerations to address when orienting peers to their new role and work environment. Some information related to confidentiality and benefits is specific to the United States. A separate accompanying document contains tools for orientation.

Building blocks to peer success: A toolkit for training HIV-positive peers

Peer Education and Training Sites/Resource and Evaluation Center (PETS/REC) Initiative

This toolkit reviews factors to consider when developing a peer training program and provides sample lessons, activities and case studies that can be used during training. The lessons cover core competencies and key understandings needed by peers working in programs to engage and retain people with HIV in care, including working in organizational settings, communication skills, boundaries, confidentiality, disclosure and self-care, among other topics.

PREParing peers for success: Peer core competency training

Health and Disability Working Group, Boston University School of Public Health

This is a five-day training curriculum for peers working to engage people with HIV in care and treatment. The training covers a range of topics including HIV basics, treatment and adherence, disclosure, confidentiality and boundaries.

Peer navigation training core modules: Facilitator's guide

FHI 360

This peer training guide supports organizations implementing FHI 360’s LINKAGES program to engage and retain people with HIV in care and support their treatment adherence. The training includes core modules and optional modules as well as participant handouts. While some modules are specific to the LINKAGES program, many topics are of broader interest, including confidentiality, boundaries and communication skills.

Training manual for peer navigators

Chicago Health Disparities Center

This training manual directed at peer navigators working with street-involved African Americans with mental health disorders covers interpersonal skills that are relevant to peer health navigators working in HIV, including communication and trauma-informed care. A workbook with training handouts accompanies the manual.

Training content: Organizational culture

One foot forward: A GIPA training toolkit: Community-based groups

Canadian AIDS Society

This toolkit module is intended to help peers understand the structure and organization of the community-based groups they work with. (supports recommendation 12)

Training content: Self-care

Essential tools for support and stability: Worker resource kit

AIDS Bereavement and Resiliency Program of Ontario

This skills-building resource helps peers identify and manage emotional triggers that may impact them when providing support to others. (supports recommendation 20)

Training content: leadership

One foot forward: A GIPA training toolkit: Leadership

Canadian AIDS Society

This toolkit module explores leadership roles and skills for peers. (supports recommendation 22).

Section V: Advocating for clients: Tools (pages 61-68) from Integrating peers into multidisciplinary teams: A toolkit for peer advocates

Cicatelli Associates

This resource provides a series of tools a peer can use to develop their client advocacy and assertiveness skills as well as to plan for participation in case conferences with other service providers. (supports recommendation 22).

Training content: Counselling techniques

Essential tools for support and stability: Worker resource kit

AIDS Bereavement and Resiliency Program of Ontario

This kit is available to help peers identify and manage emotional triggers that may impact them when providing support to others. (supports recommendation 23)

Training content: Trauma-informed practice

Trauma-informed practice guide

BC Provincial Mental Health and Substance Use Planning Council

Through not specifically focused on training, this practice guide can be used to inform the understanding of trauma-informed practice and the delivery of trauma-informed services. The guide has a specific focus on mental health and substance use services. (supports recommendation 25)

Trauma-informed: The trauma toolkit

Klinic Community Health Centre

This toolkit can help inform training about trauma-informed practice. It covers a range of topics including trauma related to residential schools and sexual abuse. (supports recommendation 25).

Training content: Documentation and evaluation

Peer evaluator training manual

Pacific AIDS Network | CIHR Centre for REACH in HIV/AIDS (REACH2.0)

Through the modules in this manual, peers are introduced to a range of evaluation concepts and activities including logic models and data collection methods. (supports recommendation 26).