Strengthening hepatitis C care from corrections to community

Presented in partnership with the Canadian Network on Hepatitis C (CanHepC)
Presented in English with simultaneous interpretation
People with prison experience are disproportionately impacted by hepatitis C. The criminalization of drug use leads to an overrepresentation of people who use drugs in correctional facilities, where practices like sharing drug equipment and unregulated tattooing increase the risk of hepatitis C transmission. Barriers to accessing hepatitis C care in prisons, alongside competing priorities after release, often result in untreated infections. Linking people to community-based care upon release is a key strategy to address gaps in hepatitis C care for people with prison experience.
This webinar explores disparities in post-release hepatitis C care across provinces, as well as system-level and program-level approaches to strengthening linkage to care through the transition from correctional facilities into community. Speakers spotlight successes and challenges of post-release linkage to care, as well as a range of strategies and initiatives that service providers can implement in their communities.
Moderator: Madison Kennedy, CATIE
Presenter: Nadine Kronfli, Associate Professor, McGill University
- Chance Cordon, PASAN
- Mo Korchinski, Unlocking the Gates
- Kate Newcombe, CUPS Liver Clinic
- Kayley Goralczyk, Correctional Health Services, Recovery Alberta
- Rebekah Lindensmith, Ministry of the Solicitor General (Ontario)
- Karen Heroux, Quinte Detention Centre