Syphilis resources

Syphilis has been on the rise in Canada, and around the world, for many years. Though it is preventable and curable syphilis outbreaks continue across the country. The following list of resources can help frontline service providers learn more about syphilis. As new evidence emerges and new resources become available, we will continue to update this page.


For more information on sexually transmitted infections, see Sexually transmitted infections.

General information

Syphilis – CATIE

Syphilis: What you need to know – CATIE

What you need to know about syphilis – CATIE

Syphilis guide for Two-Spirit people and gay, bisexual and queer+ guys – CATIE | Community-Based Research Centre (CBRC)

Syphilis fundamentals – CATIE

Syphilis – National Collaborating Centre for Infectious Diseases (NCCID)

Syphilis: Health promotion for gay bi men who have sex with men – Gay Men's Sexual Health Alliance

Combatting the rise in congenital syphilis: How service providers can support prevention, testing and treatment – CATIE

Views from the front lines: Congenital syphilis – CATIE

Congenital syphilis – NCCID

Syphilis in Canada

A resurgence of syphilis in Canada: Who is being affected most and what interventions are needed? – CATIE

Addressing rising syphilis rates among women in Canada – CATIE | Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC)

HIV and syphilis in the Prairies: Intersecting epidemics – CATIE | CAAN | NCCID

Syphilis in Canada: Where we are, how we got here and what we can do about it – CATIE | PHAC

Winnipeg researchers warn about rising cases of syphilis-related stillbirths – CATIE

Alberta researchers find high rates of hepatitis C virus and syphilis co-infection during pregnancy – CATIE

Ottawa researchers find shifts in populations affected by syphilis – CATIE

Syphilis cases on the rise among HIV-positive people in Calgary – CATIE

Infectious syphilis and congenital syphilis in Canada, 2023 – PHAC

Rising syphilis rates in Canada, 2011–2020 – PHAC


Study predicts that introducing rapid syphilis diagnostic tests in the Arctic could reduce incidence by more than one-third – CATIE

Research Update: Rapid HIV and syphilis test now approved for clinical use – CATIE

Early access to syphilis screening and treatment needed to prevent stillbirths – CATIE

Rapid combined syphilis-HIV testing found accurate and useful in an Alberta study – CATIE

Alberta study underscores the importance of syphilis testing in people who use stimulants – CATIE

A syphilis awareness and education campaign for men makes some progress in B.C. – CATIE

Ontario intervention increases detection of syphilis – CATIE

Rapid tests for the diagnosis of syphilis and HIV: A potential game changer for Canada – CATIE Blog

Bringing STBBI testing to people who use drugs – CATIE


Doxycycline to help prevent bacterial STIs – CATIE

Doxy-PEP and doxy-PrEP: Pills to prevent syphilis – CATIE | CBRC

Advocates’ guide to doxycycline to prevent bacterial STIs (DoxyPEP) – AVAC

Understanding the impact of the antibiotic doxycycline on the sexual well-being of users – CATIE

Research on interventions to help end the syphilis epidemic in gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (gbMSM) – CATIE

Post-exposure doxycycline helps reduce the risk for some sexually transmitted infections – CATIE

High interest in syphilis pre- and post-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP and PEP) among men who have sex with men – CATIE

Treatment and care

Sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections: Guides for health professionals – PHAC

Canadian guidelines on sexually transmitted infections: Summary of recommendations for chlamydia trachomatis (CT), neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG) and syphilis – PHAC

Montreal doctors report on cases of syphilis affecting the eyes – CATIE

British Columbia — Increasing cases of syphilis affecting the eye  – CATIE

Syphilis and other sexually transmitted infections

Australian researchers study syphilis in men who use HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) – CATIE

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) sexual transmission risk with bacterial sexually transmitted infection (STI) co-infection – Public Health Ontario