Webinar series: Women-Centred HIV Care Toolkits


Worldwide, women represent 53% of people living with HIV and face gender inequities and unmet healthcare needs. All clinicians and service providers who interact with women living with HIV need to practise from a women-centred lens.

Based on findings from an extensive community-collaborative research program, a Canadian team of clinicians, other service providers and women living with HIV created two toolkits to guide the delivery of women-centred HIV care: one for women living with HIV and their service providers and the other for clinicians.

During this two-part webinar series, the Women and HIV Research Program at Women’s College Hospital, the Centre for Effective Practice and partners will launch the two national toolkits providing more information on how each kit can be used.

Part one: Webinar for women living with HIV and community-based service providers

October 1, 2020, from 9 to 10:30 a.m. PDT/12 to 1:30 p.m. EDT

This first webinar will provide an overview of the toolkit for women living with HIV to support its uptake and use by women living with HIV as a self-health advocacy tool. This resource was made lovingly in partnership with women living with HIV to help women receive the care that they deserve.

This webinar will be of interest to community-based service providers as well.

It will provide an overview of key issues facing women living with HIV in Canada; describe trauma-aware and person-centred holistic care for women living with HIV; share some of the strategies from the toolkit for women living with HIV; and offer reflections from community members and service providers about the toolkit. 

Although this webinar is primarily for women living with HIV and their service providers, all are welcome.


  • Elder Valerie Nicholson, Simon Fraser University; BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS
  • Breklyn Bertozzi, Women’s Health In Women’s Hands
  • Stella Osagie, AIDS Committee of Toronto; Women & HIV/AIDS Initiative
  • Kath Webster, Simon Fraser University
  • Melanie Lee, Canadian HIV Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Cohort Study
  • Dr. Mona Loutfy, Women’s College Research Institute, Women’s College Hospital
  • Mary Ndung’u, Women’s College Research Institute, Women’s College Hospital
  • Sarah Burtch, Positive Living Niagara; Women & HIV/AIDS Initiative
  • Dr. Mary Kestler, Oak Tree Clinic, BC Women’s Hospital
  • Olivia Smith Rodrigues, Regional HIV/AIDS Connection

Part two: Webinar for clinicians and healthcare providers

October 6, from 9 to 10:30 a.m. PDT/12 to 1:30 p.m. EDT

This second part will provide an overview of the toolkit for clinicians to support its uptake and use by healthcare and service providers caring for women living with HIV. This webinar will provide an overview of key issues facing women living with HIV in Canada, the evidence-based recommendations for caring for women living with HIV from a trauma-aware, person-centred holistic approach, and introduce strategies to support the use of the Clinician’s Women-Centred HIV Care Toolkit in practice. All are welcome.   


  • Elder Valerie Nicholson, Simon Fraser University; BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS
  • Dr. Angela Kaida, Faculty of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser University
  • Dr. Mona Loutfy, Women’s College Research Institute, Women’s College Hospital
  • Mary Ndung’u, Women’s College Research Institute, Women’s College Hospital,
  • Breklyn Bertozzi, Women’s Health In Women’s Hands
  • Brenda Gagnier,  Women’s College Research Institute, Women’s College Hospital
  • Dr. Neora Pick, Oak Tree Clinic, BC Women’s Hospital

This webinar series is presented in partnership with Women and HIV Research Program at Women’s College Hospital, Centre for Effective Practice (CEP), Women and HIV/AIDS Initiative (WHAI), BC Women’s Hospital Health Centre, Women’s Health in Women’s Hands, Simon Fraser University, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS, ViVA Women, AIDS Vancouver, and CATIE.