Why is our emotional health so important?

“Being an HIV-positive newcomer is one of the most difficult things I ever had to deal with. I was scared and confused, but now it gives me joy to know that there is help out there. I’ve connected with HIV organizations, a specialist and lots of other people living with HIV. Some of these people are now my ‘family.’”


When we are emotionally healthy, we are better able to enjoy our life and the people in it. We can love, express ourselves creatively, learn new things without fear and test our limits. We are better equipped to cope with difficulties, disappointments, sadness and stress, secure in the knowledge that, in time, we will be able to enjoy our lives once again. For people living with HIV, our emotional wellness makes it easier to take care of ourselves and others—to take our HIV medications as prescribed, see our healthcare provider regularly, approach our healthcare providers as equal partners, practice safer sex and (if we use drugs) take precautions when using drugs.