
Simply put, HIV treatment is a lifesaver. There is no cure for HIV but there are medications that can keep the virus under control and allow you to stay healthy for a long time.
If left untreated, HIV weakens the body’s defenses against infections and some cancers. But by taking HIV medications as prescribed, most people can control the virus, protect their immune system and prevent infections from developing. With proper treatment and care, most people with HIV can stay healthy and live a long, full life.
We also know that taking HIV medications regularly and maintaining an undetectable viral load (while getting proper HIV care) is a highly effective way to prevent HIV transmission.
Maybe you were recently diagnosed with HIV and are about to start treatment. Or maybe you’re already on HIV treatment and would like to learn more about it. Either way, this resource is for you! We hope it will also be useful for those who support people with HIV—partners, family members and friends as well as doctors, nurses, pharmacists, counsellors, educators and other service providers.